

  • Fiverr: Operates under a centralized model with a single entity controlling the platform.

  • Giggy: Utilizes a decentralized framework to reduce reliance on a central authority.


  • Fiverr: Transactions managed centrally, holding funds until completion, and may never disperse depending the circumstance.

  • Giggy: Facilitates peer-to-peer transactions directly between freelancers and clients using blockchain technology.


  • Fiverr: Charges high service fees to both freelancers and clients.

  • Giggy: Reduces transaction costs by eliminating intermediaries.


  • Fiverr: Transactions managed by a central entity, with no transparency.

  • Giggy: Transactions recorded on the blockchain, ensuring full transparency.

Personal Authority

  • Fiverr: Centralized control leading to arbitrary policy changes, impacting freelancers and clients.

  • Giggy: Decentralized governance allowing users to have a say in platform changes and policies.

Payment Processing

  • Fiverr: Payments processed by Fiverr's payment provider, which may lead to potential delays and risk of fraud.

  • Giggy: Payments processed automatically through smart contracts, ensuring timely and secure transactions.

Dispute Resolution

  • Fiverr: Provides support to handle disputes and issues between freelancers and clients.

  • Giggy: Utilizes automated dispute resolution and P2P arbitration when necessary.


  • Fiverr: Continues to evolve within the framework of traditional centralized platforms.

  • Giggy: Drives innovation through integration of cutting-edge Solana technology.

Last updated