
Based on Solana

  • P2P transactions

  • No central authority

  • Enhanced transparency

  • Automated contract execution

  • Reduced risk of fraud/disputes

  • Immutable transaction records

  • Reduced intermediary fees

Global Marketplace

  • Connects freelancers and clients worldwide

  • Access to diverse talent and opportunities

  • Multilingual support (coming soon)

Profile Management

  • Comprehensive freelancer profiles

  • Showcase skills, experience, and work

  • Ratings and reviews from clients

Supplier Gig Packages

  • Create and manage packages

  • Customizable pricing tiers

  • Upsell additional services

Smart Contract Escrow

  • Secure payment handling

  • Funds released upon completion

  • Protects freelancers and clients

Payment Integration

  • Supporting $USDC, $SOL, $GIG

  • Fast and secure transactions

  • Transparent fee structure

Referral Program

  • Earn rewards for referring new users

  • Earn rewards for referring new suppliers

  • Track referral status and earnings

Revenue Sharing

  • Platform fees buy back and distribute GIG

  • GIG holders stake GIG in pool for GIG


  • In-platform messaging system

  • Real-time notifications

Last updated